Tour Scotland Birnie Bouzle Festival Auchtermuchty Fife

Tour Scotland video of Birnie Bouzle being sung at the Traditional Music Festival in Auchtermuchty, Fife, Scotland. Alistair Ogilvy singing a song by James Hogg at Muchty Festival, Alistair is originally from the Stirlingshire village of Strathblane, and is a fine traditional songster.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

View the most recent Tour Scotland photographs.

Gin ye'll mairry me, lassie, at the kirk o' Birnie Bouzle
Till the day ye dee, lassie, ye will ne'er repent it
Ye will wear when ye are wed a kirtle and a Hieland plaid
And sleep upon a heather bed sae couthy and sae canty

Ye will gang sae braw, lassie, tae the kirk o' Birnie Bouzle
Little brogues an' a', lassie, vow, but ye'll be canty
Your wee bit tocher is but sma', but hodden grey will wear for a'
And I'll save my siller tae mak ye braw an' ye will ne'er repent it

Gin ye'll mairry me, lassie, at the kirk o' Birnie Bouzle
Till the day ye dee, lassie, ye will ne'er repent it
We'll hae bonnie bairns an' a', some lassies fair an' laddies braw
Just like their mither ane an' a', an' yer faither he's consented

Gin ye'll mairry me, lassie, at the kirk o' Birnie Bouzle
Till the day ye dee, lassie, ye will ne'er repent it
We'll hunt the otter an' the brock, the hart, the hare, the heather cock
An' I'll pu' ye limpets frae the rock tae mak yer dishes dainty

Gin ye'll mairry me, lassie, at the kirk o' Birnie Bouzle
Till the day ye dee, lassie, ye will ne'er repent it

Tour Scotland Video Ay Waukin, O Festival Auchtermuchty Fife

Tour Scotland video of Ay Waukin, O being sung at the Traditional Music Festival in Auchtermuchty, Fife, Scotland. Alistair Ogilvy singing a song by Robert Burns at Muchty Festival, Alistair is originally from the Stirlingshire village of Strathblane, and is a fine traditional songster.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

View the most recent Tour Scotland photographs.

Ay waukin , O,
Waukin still and weary:
Sleep I can get nane
For thinking on my dearie.

Simmer's a pleasant time:
Flowers of every colour,
The water rins owre the heugh,
And I long for my true lover.

When I sleep I dream,
When I wauk I'm eerie,
Sleep I can get nane
For thinking on my dearie.

Lanely night comes on,
A' the lave are sleepin,
I think on my bonie lad,
And I bleer my een wi' greetin

Tour Scotland Video There'll Never Be Peace Till Jamie Comes Hame Festival Auchtermuchty Fife

Tour Scotland video of There'll Never Be Peace Till Jamie Comes Hame being sung at the Traditional Music Festival in Auchtermuchty, Fife, Scotland. Heather Haywood singing at Muchty Festival, she is best known for her interpretation of traditional songs, her repertoire is wide with the bulk of her material coming from the Scottish tradition.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

View the most recent Tour Scotland photographs.

By yon castle wa' at the close of the day,
I heard a man sing, tho his head it was grey,
And as he was singing, the tears doon came,
There'll never be peace till Jamie comes hame !

The Church is in ruins, the State is in jars,
Delusion, oppressions, and murderous wars,
We dare na weel sayl but we ken wha's to blame
There'll never be peace till Jamie comes hame !

My seven braw sons for Jamie drew sword,
But now I greet round their green beds in the yerd;
It brak the sweet heart o my faithfu auld dame.
There'll never be peace till Jamie comes hame !

Now life is a burden that bows me down,
Sin I tint my bairns, and he tint his crown;
But till my last moments my words are the same.
There'll never be peace till Jamie comes hame !

Meaning of Scots words:
wa' means wall
greet means weep
yerd means kirkyard
sin I tint means as I lost
bairns means children

Robert Burns was born in 1757 so the passions of the Jacobite Uprising of 1745 and the wish by some to see the return of King James VIII were still very much in evidence during his lifetime. During his work collecting old Scottish songs, Burns came across the title of this song and created the words to go with it. "Jamie" is of course James VIII.

Tour Scotland Video Traditional Music Festival Auchtermuchty Fife

Tour Scotland video shot tonight of traditional Scottish music in Auchtermuchty, Fife, Scotland. An instrumental music session this evening in the Cycle Tavern, Auchtermuchty, Fife, Scotland. One of the first events this weekend at the Auchtermuchty Music Festival.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

View the most recent Tour Scotland photographs.

Tour Scotland Photographs The Thistle Chapel St Giles Cathedral Royal Mile Edinburgh

Tour Scotland photograph of The Thistle Chapel in St Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, Scotland. The Thistle Chapel was designed by Robert Lorimer and finished in 1911. It contains stalls for the 16 knights, the Sovereign's stall and two Royal stalls. The chapel contains a wealth of detail, both religious and heraldic.

Tour Scotland photograph of The Thistle Chapel in St Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Tour Scotland photograph of The Thistle Chapel in St Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Tour Scotland photograph of The Thistle Chapel in St Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, Scotland. The Thistle Chapel is the chapel of The Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, Scotland's foremost Order of Chivalry. The chapel was built in 1911 to designs by Robert Lorimer, at the south-east corner of the church. It is a small, but exquisite, chapel with carved and painted fittings of extraordinary detail. The Order, which was founded by James VII in 1687, consists of the monarch and 16 knights. The knights are the personal appointment of the crown, and are normally Scots who have made a significant contribution to national or international affairs.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

View the most recent Tour Scotland photographs.