April 27th Photograph Evening Snack Scotland

April 27th photograph of my Evening Snack in Scotland. In the foreground is a Gypsy Cream, and behind is a Caramel Tiffin. Scottish Cooking.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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April 27th Photograph Afternoon Snack Scotland

April 27th photograph of my afternoon snack in Scotland. A bakewell slice, shown on the left of the plate, consists of a pastry bottom spread with jam then topped with an almond filling and baked, the bakewell is then spread with a thick sugar icing and glazed cherries. And, of course, I had some shortbread. Scottish Cooking.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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Old Photograph Low Causewayside Culross Fife Scotland

Old photograph of Low Causewayside, Culross, Fife, Scotland. A legend states that when the British princess, and future saint, Teneu, daughter of the king of Lothian, became pregnant before marriage, her family threw her from a cliff. She survived the fall unharmed, and was soon met by an unmanned boat. She knew she had no home to go to, so she got into the boat; it sailed her across the Firth of Forth to land at Culross where she was cared for by Saint Serf; he became foster father of her son, Saint Kentigern or Mungo.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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Old Photograph Durie Street Leven Fife Scotland

Old photograph of Durie Street, Leven, Fife, Scotland. Alexander Robert Horne, born 1881, died 1953, was a Scottish engineer and author. He was born in Leven, Fife in 1881. He was educated at George Heriot's School in Edinburgh. He was apprenticed as an engineer to James Milne & Sons Ltd of Milton House Works in the Canongate in Edinburgh around 1896. He then went to the University of London in England to formally train as an engineer. In 1910 he obtained a post as Professor of Engineering at Robert Gordons College in Aberdeen, aged only 29. He lived at 374 Great Western Road in Aberdeen. In 1920 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. His proposers were Sir Thomas Hudson Beare, Richard Stanfield, George Adam Smith and John Taylor Ewen. In 1929 he moved to Heriot Watt University as Professor of Mechanical Engineering and stayed there until retiral in 1945. He died in Edinburgh on 17 May 1953.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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Old Photograph Scurdyness Montrose Scotland

Old photograph of Scurdyness, Montrose, Scotland. Scurdyness lighthouse guards and defines the entrance to Montrose harbour from a position near the tip of the promontory of the same name, which projects markedly into the North Sea on the south side of the mouth of the combined rivers North and South Esk. It was built by engineers David and Thomas Stevenson in 1870.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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