Dreich Drive Through The City All The Way To St Giles' Cathedral Edinburgh Scotland

Tour Scotland travel video of a dreich road trip drive, with Scottish music, through the City all the way to St Giles' Cathedral on ancestry visit to Edinburgh. Dreich is a Scots word for dull and cloudy, St Giles' Cathedral, on the Royal Mile, also known as the High Kirk of Edinburgh, is the principal place of worship of the Church of Scotland in Edinburgh. The church has been one of Edinburgh's religious focal points for approximately 900 years. The present church dates from the late 14th century, though it was extensively restored in the 19th century. Today it is sometimes regarded as the " Mother Church of Presbyterianism. " The cathedral is dedicated to Saint Giles, who is the patron saint of Edinburgh, as well as of cripples and lepers, and was a very popular saint in the Middle Ages. It is the Church of Scotland parish church for part of Edinburgh's Old Town.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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