Music And International Folk Dancing Perth Perthshire Scotland

Tour Scotland travel compilation of International Folk Dancing on visit to Perth, Perthshire, including; Varazdin Folk Dance Ensemble from Croatia who dance as couples but also as soloists, to show off their skills and try to impress the other sex. Singing is an important part of the Croat traditions, which is why dancing and singing often go hand in hand. They occasionally sing about daily life, but mainly about love, accompanied by tamburizza and violin. They perform in authentic, hand made costumes. Varaždīn is a city in Northern Croatia, north of Zagreb; Balladors des Raiguer whose dancers and musicians are from Raiguer, which is a region on the island of Majorca. The dances they perform are from their local area: thereby conserving the four boleros of the schools of the old masters of Marratxi, Mallorca. The costume imitates those of the eighteenth century until the beginning of the twentieth century.Raiguer is a comarca, county, located in the north-central part of Majorca, one of the Balearic Islands of Spain. It runs parallel to the Serra de Tramuntana district from the town of Marratxí to the town of Sa Pobla; Thüringer Folklore Tanzensemble Rudolstadt from Germany which is a dance group is grounded in the German traditions, in particular those of the Thüringen area. Their lively, attractive and artistic dances and performances are based upon their research of the old traditions, but they also perform more modern dances. The high quality of their performances earned them many praise at international dance festivals. Their performances are crafted to appeal to today's public. They perform regularly in Rudolstadt itself, in the surrounding Thüringen area, and further afield; Folklorique Le Point d'Alençon from France which means Alençon Lace, named after the famous needle lace made in their town, consists of 80 dancers and musicians, adults and children,- dressed in traditional costumes as worn around 1830/1850. They represent the local tradition of the area through themed performances, and have successfully performed in France and abroad.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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