Spring Loch Stare Dam Perthshire Scotland

Tour Scotland Spring 4K travel video of loch Stare Dam on visit to Perthshire. A small loch with good fishing in a scenic location for rainbow trout located on the southern edge of Birnam Wood in Central Perth and Kinross, Stare Dam lies 1¼ miles North West of Waterloo and 2½ miles South East of Dunkeld. Loch is the Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Scots word for a lake or for a sea inlet. It is cognate with the Manx lough, Cornish logh, and one of the Welsh words for lake, llwch. In English and Hiberno English, the anglicised spelling lough is commonly found in place names; in Lowland Scots and Scottish English, the spelling " loch " is always used. Scotland has very few bodies of water called lakes. The Lake of Menteith, an Anglicisation of the Scots Laich o Menteith meaning a " low lying bit of land in Menteith, is applied to the loch there because of the similarity of the sounds of the words laich and lake. Until the 19th century the body of water was known as the Loch of Menteith. The Lake of the Hirsel, Pressmennan Lake and Lake Louise are man made bodies of water in Scotland known as lakes.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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