Remains of Cromwell's Fort With Music On History Visit To Inverness Highlands Scotland

Tour Scotland short 4K travel video clip, with Scottish music, of the remains of the fort by Oliver Cromwell on history visit and trip to Inverness, Highlands, Britain, United Kingdom. Cromwell’s fort was situated on the eastern bank of the river Ness, slightly to the north of the town as it then stood, in what is now the Longman industrial estate. Inverness had in early 1652 been selected, alongside Ayr, Perth, Perthshire and Leith, Edinburgh, as a suitable site for constructing a major fortification to help secure the recent conquest of Scotland by Olver Cromwell. By this point, the town was already under occupation, housing three companies, about 200 to 300 men, of Colonel Thomas Fitch’s regiment, the remainder of which was scattered throughout the central and eastern Highlands. These soldiers were housed in temporary barracks built on the town’s riverfront, for the security of which the streets of the burgh itself, along with its castle and bridge, had been fortified with earthen ramparts. But it was recognised that sturdier, more permanent accommodation was needed, and so in the spring of 1652 the precise location was selected, and the plans laid out, by a German engineer named Joachim Hane. Construction began in early summer that year. Although the garrison moved in the middle of 1655, it took until around 1657 to complete the fort. Of interest to folks with ancestry, genealogy or Scottish Family Roots in Scotland who may wish to visit one day. Find things to see and do in Scotland where you are always welcome. All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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