Old Photographs Lennoxtown Scotland

Tour Scotland wee video of old photographs of Lennoxtown, a town in East Dunbartonshire. The focus of the Lennoxtown area used to be the busy Lennox Mill, where tenants of the Woodhead estate brought their corn to be ground. There were several corn mills in Campsie Parish. A significant event in the history of the locality was the establishment of the calico printing works at Lennoxmill during the late 1780s. During the 19th century Lennoxtown grew to be the largest centre of population in Campsie Parish. Another important industry was soon established, a chemical works, founded by Charles Macintosh. During the 1790s many of the Lennoxmill workers supported the political reformer Thomas Muir of Huntershill in his campaigns to establish democracy in Scotland. Of interest to folks with ancestry, genealogy or Scottish Family Roots in Scotland who may wish to visit one day. All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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