Autumn Visit To Linn of Dee River Dee Aberdeenshire Highlands Scotland

Tour Scotland Autumn travel video of the Linn of Dee, located on the River Dee, 6 miles west of Braemar on visit to Cairngorms National Park in Aberdeenshire. The River Dee rises in the Cairngorms and flows through Strathdee to reach the North Sea at Aberdeen. At Linn of Dee the river passes east through a 300 metre natural rock gorge, a spot much favoured by Queen Victoria during her stays at Balmoral Castle. The queen opened the bridge that spans the Dee at this point in 1857. The bridge at the Linn of Dee is an impressive structure, not just visually but from a construction point of view as well. Visually, it is an ornate Gothic structure, with Castellated parapets, a pointed arch, heavy butresses and other similar features. However, what is perhaps more impressive is the deep, churning gorge over which the bridge was constructed. The chasm may be narrow, but it must still have been a tough job for the masons to erect the centering and then balance on rickety wooden scaffolding as the stone arch was slowly constructed. All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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