Birds Lawn Cottage Garden Scone Perth Perthshire Scotland

Tour Scotland early Summer 4K travel video of birds feeding while paying a visit to the lawn of my garden in Scone by Perth Perthshire. Lawns provide a home for lots of different insects that are eaten by birds and other wildlife. Those rich in organic matter are likely to have good numbers of earthworms, the staple summer, winter and spring diet of song thrushes and much loved by blackbirds and pigeons. Lawns can also provide seed for birds. Those of annual meadow grass, plantain, buttercup and dandelion are particular favourites. Any area of short grass will act as a feeding area for birds. Longer grass provides shelter and egg-laying opportunities for the insects on which birds and other wildlife feed. You can improve your lawn for birds and wildlife by simply avoiding the use of weed killers and artificial fertilisers, or go a step further and look at alternative ways to manage your lawn and introduce variation to your grass.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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