The Rosebud Robert Burns Song Scotland

Tour Scotland travel video of the Rosebud song by Robert Burns set to a slide show of some photographs of Roses. During his formative years Burns had to turn his hand to farm work. Following the established Scottish tradition, however, his education was not neglected. He was an avid reader in any case, and he attended a local school set up by his father and four neighbours, with the 18 year old John Murdoch as teacher, receiving additional instruction in Latin, French and mathematics. During the evenings, around the fire, his father would read aloud from the Bible, and Robert became a devout Church goer.

A rosebud by my early walk,
Adown a corn enclosed bawk,
Sae gently bent its thorny stalk
All on a dewy morning.

Ere twice the shades o' dawn are fled,
In a' its crimson glory spread,
And drooping rich the dewy head,
It scents the early morning.

Within the bush her covert nest
A little linnet fondly prest,
The dew sat chilly on her breast
Sae early in the morning.

She soon shall see her tender brood
The pride, the pleasure o' the wood,
Amang the fresh green leaves bedew'd,
Awauk the early morning.

So thou, dear bird, young Jeany fair,
On trembling string or vocal air,
Shalt sweetly pay the tender care
That tents thy early morning.

So thou, sweet Rosebud, young and gay,
Shalt beauteous blaze upon the day,
And bless the Parent's evening ray
That watch'd thy early morning.

Robert Burns was born, on the 25 January 1759, two miles south of Ayr, Ayrshire, in Alloway, the eldest of the seven children of William Burnes, a self educated tenant farmer from Dunnottar in the Mearns, and Agnes Broun, the daughter of a Kirkoswald tenant farmer. The only occasion that Robert Burns visited Perth, Perthshire, was towards the end of his 22 day tour of the Highlands during August and September, 1787.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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