Old Photographs Of Dundonald South Ayrshire Scotland

Tour Scotland wee video of old photographs of Dundonald, Scottish Gaelic: Dùn Dhòmhnaill, a village in South Ayrshire. The village is is mostly known for nearby Dundonald Castle, which was built in the 14th century by King Robert II, on the ruins of a castle built earlier, in 1260 by his grandfather, Alexander Comyn. It served the Scottish kings for 150 years. The ruins of Old Auchans Castle are also located nearby, the previous residence of Susanna Montgomery, Lady Eglinton. Since 1945, the village has served mostly as a dormitory town for the larger towns in the area.

The Donald family history stretches back to the clans of the Dalriadan kingdom on the sea-swept Hebrides islands and mountainous western coast of Scotland. The name Donald is derived from a powerful ruler. The name Donald is derived from the Gaelic name Domhnull, or MacDhomhnuill, and the Celtic name Dubnovalos, all of which mean " world ruler " or " world mighty ". The name ranks second only to John in its popularity as a personal name in Scotland

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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