Old Photograph Kyle Of Tongue Sutherland Scotland

Old photograph of the pier at Kyle Of Tongue, Scottish Gaelic: Caol Thunga, a shallow sea loch in northwest Highlands of Sutherland, Scotland. In 1746, a naval engagement occurred at the Kyle involving Bonnie Prince Charlie's Jacobite rebellion. The Jacobite ship Le Prince Charles, commanded by Captain Richard Talbot, was bringing a large amount of French gold to aid the Jacobite cause. It was chased by a British squadron and one of the Royal Navy frigates eventually caught up with it in the Kyle of Tongue, on 25 February 1746. A fierce five hour battle took place: the Jacobite ship fought bravely, but in the end was defeated. The failure of the gold to reach the Prince's army was one of the main factors which led to the Battle of Culloden.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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