Old Photograph Fisherman Mending Creels Auchmithie Scotland

Old photograph of a fisherman mending Creels outside his cottage in Auchmithie, location of the Scarlett Johansson film, Under the Skin in Angus, Scotland. Creel fishing, also known as Potting, is referred to as a ‘ passive ’ or ‘ static ’ form of fishing as the baited creels are dropped from the boat to the seabed where they soak until they are next retrieved by the vessel. The main species targeted in Scotland are prawns, lobster and crabs. Different bait is used depending on what species is being targeted. Auchmithie is set on a coast that is riddled with caves, many of which were used by the smugglers. The village dates to at least the 11th century and was used by Sir Walter Scott as a setting for his novel The Antiquary when it went under the name of Musselcrag.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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