Tour Scotland Travel Video Antonine Roman Wall Distance Slab Edinburgh

Tour Scotland travel video Blog of an Antonine Roman Wall Distance Slab on ancestry visit to the National Museum in Edinburgh, Scotland. Antoninus Pius was the man who gave his name to the Antonine Wall of 142 AD, which runs between the the Rivers Clyde and Forth, extending Roman Britain north from Hadrian's Wall. The wall was designed as a frontier for the empire, and a barrier to raiding Caledonian tribes. The distance slab from Bridgeness near Edinburgh on the Antonine Wall commemorating the construction of the Wall by the Twentieth Legion. On the left side there is a cavalryman spearing some Britons. On the right side a sacrifice to the goddess of Victory is taking place. Four men watch another man in a toga, probably the legionary commander, who is about to sacrifice a pig, sheep and bull. To accompany the ceremony there is music from a flute player.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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