Old Photograph Parenwell Bridge Scotland

Old photograph of Parenwell Bridge near Kelty, Fife, Scotland. The bridge is actually a commemorative monument marking the old road to Perth by which Mary Queen of Scots fled from Lochleven Castle. An inscription on the bridge reads as follows, " The Road to Perth anciently St Johnston passed here within memory. The Ravine was much longer and deeper. Cottar Houses stood around called Parenwell from the Spring which rises a hundred yards below southwards." Another inscription reads as follows: " About this time the Earl of Rothes with certain gentlemen came to Parenwell beside Dowhill thinking to have taken Lord Darnley from the Queen as they rode from St.Johnstoun to the Queensferry but she being advertised had passed by before they met." It seems that the lovers had missed each other. St.Johnstoun was the old name for Perth at this time in history.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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