Tour Scotland Travel Video Noss Head Lighthouse

Tour Scotland travel video Blog of Noss Head Lighthouse, an active 19th century lighthouse near Wick, on ancestry visit to Caithness, Scotland. The lighthouse was built by Mr. Arnot of Inverness, with the construction being overseen by the notable lighthouse engineer Alan Stevenson, uncle of Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson. As a way to provide work for those local people who had been affected by the Highland potato famine, and needed Poor Relief, labourers were hired to construct an access road from Wick to the lighthouse. In 1987 the light was converted to automatic operation. This same year, all of the former keepers’ cottages and related structures were sold, along with the 39 acres of land upon which they were built.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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