Old Photograph Covenanters Monument Moffat Scotland

Old photograph of the Covenanters Monument, in The Devil's Beef Tub a deep, dramatic hollow in the hills north of Moffat in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. On 12 August 1685 fleeing covenanter John Hunter attempted to escape pursuing dragoons by running up the steep side of the Beef Tub. He failed, was shot dead on the spot, and is buried in Tweedsmuir kirkyard. A monument to Hunter stands on the southwest rim of the Beef Tub. The unusual name, Devil's Beef Tub, derives from its use by the Border Reivers, namely the Johnstone clan, whose enemies referred to them as " devils ", to hide stolen cattle; it is also called Marquis of Annandale's Beef Tub after the Lord of Annandale, chief of the raiding " loons " here meaning " lads ", rather than " lunatics ", the name may also refer to the resemblance the valley bears to a tub used for preserving meat

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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