Old Photograph Braco Castle Scotland

Old photograph of Braco Castle near Braco village in Perthshire, Scotland. The Braco estate was owned by the medieval Bishops of Dunblane. In 1442 the King confirmed to Michael Ochiltree, Bishop of Dunblane, and his successors over 30 pieces of land, among which; Brecache, Ardachis and Kere-decani, were to be held in Barony and Regality by the Church of Dunblane in full liberty from the Crown of Scotland. The gaelic “ Breac Achadh ” means “ Spotted Field ”, i.e. a field partly cleared of bracken. Brecache, Ardachis and Kere-decani became Braco, Ardoch and Deanskeir. During the 17th and 18th century the Braco estate was owned by the Montrose Grahams and the Gorthie Graemes. In the 19th century it belonged to George Kellie McCallum and son, who may have been responsible for the general layout of the grounds. In 1917 the estate was sold to James Finlay Muir, whose family also owned Blairdrummond Castle. James Finlay Muir died in 1948 and his widow lived at Braco until 1967. High death duties meant the maintenance began to suffer, and the estate was broken up and sold off in pieces. The house and a core landscape of twenty acres were sold in 1984 to a London doctor who began some restoration of the castle.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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