Old Travel Blog Photograph Road From Ullapool To Lochinver Scotland

Old travel Blog photograph of the road from Ullapool, below Stac Pollaidh mountain, to Lochinver, Sutherland, Scotland. Stac Pollaidh is a mountain in the Northwest Highlands. The peak displays a rocky crest of Torridonian sandstone, with many pinnacles and steep gullies. The ridge was exposed to weathering as a nunatak above the ice sheet during the last Ice Age, while the ice flow carved and scoured the smooth sides of the mountain. The modern Gaelic name is a recent invention. The peak is named on the first edition Ordnance Survey maps simply as " An Stac ", the pinnacle, and on later maps as " Stac Polly ". The " Polly " element is of Norse origin, derived from " PollÄ " meaning " pool river ".

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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