Old Photograph West Garvald Scotland

Old photograph of cottages and houses in West Garvald, East Lothian, Scotland. The combined parish of Garvald and Bara, borders Whittingehame to the East, Morham to the North, Yester to the West, and Lauder to the South. It is mainly an agricultural parish. At one time there were two breweries, three public houses, besides bakers, tailors, weavers, shoemakers, blacksmiths, wrights, coopers, and grocers in the village. Oliver Cromwell's army camped overnight in this parish during his march from Edinburgh to Dunbar. The local tradition is that they drank up all the beer found in the two breweries. In 1890 the proprietors in Garvald parish were: the Marquess of Tweeddale, the Earl of Wemyss, Arthur James Balfour of Whittingehame, Walter W Gray of Nunraw, and Robert Edgar of Linplum and Bara. Of interest to folks with ancestry, genealogy or Scottish Family Roots in Scotland who may wish to visit one day.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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