Old Photograph Knockcushan Street Girvan Scotland

Old photograph of Knockcushan Street in Girvan in South Ayrshire, Scotland. A plot of ground bounded on the North by Knockcushan Street and on the East by Dalrymple Street was acquired by Girvan town council in 1787 for market and other use. A tolbooth was built on part of the site, but by about 1820 it was ruinous. A market house having a town hall on the upper floor was built on the West part of the site about 1822, and the steeple in 1825. The architect is unknown but the steeple and three houses on the East part of the burgh's property were built by local contractors, Denham, Davidson and McWhinnie, at a total cost of £1,633. Ten years after the completion of the steeple the prisons inspector noted that a marked improvement in the peace of the town is said to have followed the building of this prison.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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