Old Photograph Dunlop House Scotland

Old photograph of Dunlop House near the village of Dunlop in East Ayrshire, Scotland. The present tall and stately building of free stone dates from 1834 and was designed by the Glasgow architect Hamilton. It is built on the site of a very much older structure however dating from 1599, " an ancient stronghouse fortified by a deep moat ". It was Sir John Dunlop who demolished this former structure and built the imposing mansion employing Italian craftsmen to carry out the beautifully coffered ceiling in the drawing room. The stately property still retains many of the original cornice and ceiling details and incorporates a Jacobean tower. The interior of this fine property includes two halls, the lower or entrance hall and an upper hall with tall Corinthian pillars from which the principa lrooms diverge. The centre of the house is lit from the room. Dunlop House was among the first Ayrshire houses offered to the Red Cross during the War. The house remained in the Clan Dunlop family until 1932 when Ayrshire Council bought it.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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