Old Photograph Grain Mill Reston Berwickshire Scotland

Old photograph of the grain mill in Reston village in Berwickshire, Scotland. Reston was once the location of the railway station and junction between the Berwickshire Railway and King's Cross, London, England and Edinburgh. Both the Berwickshire Railway and station are now closed. The A1, the Great North Road, runs to the East of the village. Two types of grain mill, for making oat and barley meal, were built in Scotland: a simple one, without gearing but with a horizontal water wheel; and a more complex type, with gearing and a vertical water wheel. The simple type was still being used on the Shetland Islands and the Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, in the early 20th century and was probably used in the Highlands too, in earlier times.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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