Old Photograph Camastianavaig Isle Of Skye Scotland

Old photograph of cottages in Camastianavaig, Isle of Skye, Scotland. Camastianavaig also known as Camustinivaig, is a crofting township on the on the shores of the Sound of Raasay, three miles South East of Portree. The Allt Osglan watercourse flows from Loch Fada through the township into Tianavaig Bay. The township is near the scene of the Battle of the Braes, Scottish Gaelic: Blàr a' Chumhaing. in 1882. Local crofting tenants facing eviction from the land withheld rent and released sheep onto a forbidden area on the shores of Ben Lee. Sent to evict them, the Sheriff Officer from Portree was met by an angry mob, who forced him to burn the eviction notices. Subsequently 50 Glasgow policemen, sent to quell the rebellion, faced 100 men, women and children, armed with sticks and stones. Small fines were imposed in court, but it was clear that law and order could only be enforced with military assistance. After the Battle of the Braes, the unrest spread to Glendale, Skye. The rebellion led to the Napier Commission and ultimately the Crofters Act of 1886, which brought security of tenure and the right to hand a croft on to their heirs.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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