Old Photograph Beinn Tarsuinn Island Of Arran Scotland

Old photograph of Beinn Tarsuinn, Island of Arran, Scotland. Beinn Tarsuinn is a mountain located between Glen Rosa to the east and Glen Iorsa to the west. It is often climbed in conjunction with the adjacent peak of Cìr Mhòr, to which it is linked by a rocky ridge forming the subsidiary top of A' Chìr. The crossing of A' Chìr involves scrambling, however the two peaks can be linked without crossing A' Chìr by means of a path that traverse the ridge's western side. The simplest and shortest route up Beinn Tarsuinn is via one of the two ridges on either side of the Coire a' Bhradain; both ridges drop down into Glen Rosa, the usual access for most walkers to this group of hills.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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