Tour Scotland Video German Folk Dancing Thüringer Folklore Tanzensemble Rudolstadt Perth Perthshire

Tour Scotland travel video of German Folk Dancing by Thüringer Folklore Tanzensemble Rudolstadt from Germany at the International Folk Dance Festival on ancestry, genealogy, history visit and trip to King Edward Street in Perth, Perthshire. This dance group is grounded in the German traditions, in particular those of the Thüringen area. Their lively, attractive and artistic dances and performances are based upon their research of the old traditions, but they also perform more modern dances. The high quality of their performances earned them many praise at international dance festivals. Their performances are crafted to appeal to today's public. They perform regularly in Rudolstadt itself, in the surrounding Thüringen area, and further afield.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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