Old Photograph Houses Giffnock Scotland

Old photograph of houses in Giffnock located six miles from Paisley, Scotland. Giffnock was primarily a scattered farming community until late 1780. In 1835, the first sandstone quarry in Giffnock opened. Before long, the town became known for this industry, and at its peak, there were four quarries in Giffnock, three surface quarries and one underground quarry, which together employed over 1,000 men. Sandstone from the Giffnock quarries was primarily used within the nearby city of Glasgow and can be found in older parts of the University of Glasgow and the interior of Kelvingrove Art Gallery. Coal mining was also carried out in Giffnock, between 1850 and 1926.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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