Old Photograph Parish Church Kirkpatrick Durham Scotland

Old photograph of the Parish Church and cemetery in Kirkpatrick Durham, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. This Scottish church was built in 1849 by architect Walter Newall. In the church is a simple wooden plaque commemorating the Reverend Gabriel Semple, first of the covenanter field preachers, and his friend John Neilson. Semple was the great great grandson of Lord Semple who fell at Flodden in 1513. He had been chosen as minister by the Kirk session by popular election but in May 1662 an act of parliament was passed depriving all ministers, staunch in their Presbyterian beliefs, of their living that had not been presented by Royal Patronage. This was the end then of Presbyterian dominance and Episcopal Curates were forced on the congregations. Those who refused suffered severely. Semple was therefore Outed from the Kirk and the manse and went to Corsock House or Castle, the home of his friend John Neilson who was soon after spoiled of his goods, driven from his home, tortured with the boot and hanged at the cross of Edinburgh in December 1666 for adherence to his Presbyterian faith.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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