Old Photograph Bonnie Prince Charlie Room Salutation Hotel Perth Perthshire Scotland

Old photograph of the Bonnie Prince Charlie Room in the Salutation Hotel in Perth, Perthshire, Scotland. During 1745 the Highland army marched across Scotland, growing in size as it went. They reached Perth early in September and the Prince stayed at the Salutation Hotel there, which still functions as such today. The room where he slept is still used as a bedroom. Prince Charles rode into the city in full Highland dress, a direct descendant of Robert the Bruce. In Perth he was joined by Lord George Murray who was an able soldier and he was appointed lieutenant general of the Jacobite army. While in Perth, Charles is said to have visited Scone, the place where so many of his ancestors had been crowned.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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