Old Photograph Dunlop Scotland

Old photograph of cottages and houses in Dunlop in East Ayrshire, Scotland. In the 1600s, Dunloppe had two fairs a year for the sale of dairy stock, one on the second Friday of May; and the other called Hallowday, on the 12th. of November. The Estate was erected into the Barony of Dunlop in 1688. Dunlap, Dunlapp, Dunlape, Dunlopp, Dunlope, Dunloup, Downlop, Dalape, Delap, DeLap, Delappe, Dulop, Dulap, Dulape, Dullope, Donlop, Donlap, Dounlap, Dunlip, Dewlap are all recorded variations of today's Dunlop. In 1791 Dunlop is recorded as having six masons, twelve weavers, three smiths, three shoemakers, four tailors and three inn-keepers; by 1874 the village had 10 shoemakers, 8 masons, 6 weavers, 6 smiths, 5 wrights and 1 taylor, but no baker or flesher and the people's health was such that no surgeon was need or writer or lawyer.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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