Old Photograph War Memorial Bo'ness Scotland

Old photograph of the war memorial in Bo'ness in West Lothian, Scotland.

World War I Roll of Honour

Adams, Walter
Adie, Andrew
Aitken, Robert
Alexander, Robert
Allan, James Stanley
Anderson, Alexander D.
Anderson, Carl Otto
Andrew, William D.
Baikie, Robert
Baikie, Walter
Baillie, Thomas
Ballantyne, Boyd
Ballantyne, Thomas
Barbour, Thomas
Barnett, Aaron
Barnett, Thomas
Baxter, Hugh
Bell, Alexander
Bell, Andrew
Bell, David McKenzie
Bell, John McKenzie
Bell, James
Bell, Peter
Bernard, Alexander
Bernard, Thomas H.
Binnie, William
Bishop, John
Bishop, William
Black, Thomas
Blackly, James C.
Boslem, David
Boslem, John
Boyd, Joseph P.
Boyle, John
Brandon, James
Brodie, George
Broom, James D.
Broome, Herbert
Brown, H.
Brown, James
Brown, Robert
Brown, Robert N.
Brown, Thomas
Brown, William
Brown, William
Brown, William
Buchanan, John
Burnett, Alexander Laing
Burnett, James
Burns, Daniel
Campbell, Hugh
Campbell, William
Cant, William
Carlaw, John
Carr, Thomas
Chisholm, Alexr.
Clark, Andrew S.D.
Clark, James
Clark, Robert
Cook, John Henry
Corbett, John
Cotton, Alexander
Cotton, John
Couper, John G.
Cowan, Richard
Graft, Robert
Crawford, Alexander
Crosthwaite, Robt. W.
Cruickshank, George H.
Culbert, James E.
Cullen, Thomas
Cuthell, James
Currie, John
Currie, W.
Dalrymple, Robert
Day, Richard
Dearie, Archibald
Denton, J.
Dickson, Andrew
Dott, Robert W.
Douglas, John
Downie, Charles
Downie, Victor
Drummond, John
Drummond, Fred P.
Drummond, Robert
Drummond, William
Drysdale, James
Drysdale, William
Duncan, Alexander
Dunlevy, John
Dunlop, Archibald M.C.
Dunlop, James
Easton, William
Edgar, John
Eriksen, Wm. K.
Erskine, John
Fairclough, Robert
Falconer, William
Fargie, George
Fearns, William
Ferguson, David
Finlay, William John
Finlay, Thomas
Finlay, William M.
Foot, David Victor
Forbes, Alexander
Forbes, George
Ford, George
Ford, William T.
Forrest, William
Fradley, Henry Victor
Fradley, Herbert
Frew, Charles
Friars, John
Gardner, George
Gardner, James
Gardner, John
Gibb, Thomas
Gibson, James
Glen, David
Golder, David
Goodall, James
Goodall, William
Graham, Robert
Grant, Alexander
Grant, Alexander
Grant, David
Grant, James Cairns
Grant, George
Grant, James
Grant, John
Grant, William C.
Gray, Alexander
Gray, W. Nicol
Hamilton, Charles
Hamilton, James S.
Hamilton, John M.M.
Hamilton, Michael
Hamilton, Richard
Hamilton, Richard W.
Hamilton, Richard N.
Hamilton, William
Hanley, Albert
Hanley, Herbert
Hanley, Victor
Hannah, Hugh
Hannah, John
Hardie, John M.
Harley, Alexander M.B.
Harper, John W.
Harris, Harry
Harvey, James
Hastie, Adam
Hastings, John
Hayworth, Harry A.
Heath, Alexander
Hempstead, Robert
Henderson, William
Hislop, W.
Hogg, Gordon
Hogg, Harry Paul
Hogg, James
Hossack, Gordon
Houston, Frederick
Howie, Thomas
Huldberg, Andrew
Hunter, James John
Hunter, James
Hunter, William
Hutton, A.
Hutton, John
Imrie, James
Jackson, John
Jamieson, John
Jamieson, Eric
Jamieson, Robert J.
Johnston, James E.
Johnston, Michael J.
Johnstone, David W.
Jones, James
Jeith, John
Kennedy, Thomas
Kerr, Thomas
Kidd, John
Kindred, John
Kindred, William
King, James S. M.M.
King, Richard
King, William
Knowles, Thomas
Kyles, George
Lapsley, Thomas
Leishman, Robert
Leishman, Thomas
Lightfoot, T.
Lowrie, Daniel
Lumsden, Alexander
McAllister, Eneas
* (2 names missing from photos)
McCallum, Charles
McCallum, John
McCallum, Neil
McCarrol, James
McCleary, Andrew
McCredie, George
McCredie, John
McCurrach, William
McEwan, Henry
McFarlane, James
McGillivray, John
McGillvary, Peter
McGowan, Michael
McGowan, William
McGurk, John
McGregor, Donald
McGregor, Samuel C.
McIroy, James
McIntosh, Hugh Rose
McIntosh, James D.C.M.
McIntosh, John
Mackay, James
Mackay, John Keir
McKay, David P.
McKay, James A.
McKerracher, David S.
McKerracher, John
McKinnon, John
McLaren, Thomas
McLean, Andrew
McNaught, Robert
McNiven, Peter
McPhee, John
McPhee, Robert
McQuillan, Daniel
McVeigh, John M.
McVeigh, Joseph
McWilliams, Edward
Maines, Robert
Mair, Charles
Mair, Terris H.
Malarky, Richard
Malrine, Thomas Joseph
Mann, James
Manson, John
Marr, Henry
Marshall, James
Marshall, William
Martin, James
Martin, William J. D.C.M.
Masson, James Wright
Masson, Robert
Maxwell, James
Maxwell, John
Meikle, Thomas
Meldrum, Thomas
Melville, William
Middleton, Duncan
Middleton, John
Middleton, John
Miller, David
Millar, George
Miller, George Burnett
Mitchell, Alexander
Morgan, James
Morison, John
Morrison, Alexander S.
Morrison, Thomas
Morrison, William
Muir, Hugh
Muldoon, Michael
Mulholland, John
Murphy, Joseph
Naismith, James
Neill, Adam
Neill, Walter
Neish, Alexander
Nimmo, Robert M.
Ogg, Hamilton
Orr, Hugh
Orr, Thomas
Orr, Walter
Paterson, William
Paul, Malcolm N.
Paul, Matthew
Peebles, John
Porteous, Andrew
Porter, Arthur
Potter, Alexander M.M.
Potter, Peter
Potter, Robert
Pow, Richard
Pow, William
Quarrie, James
Queenan, John
Reedie, John
Reid, David
Reid, Joshua
Reid, Robert
Reilly, James
Reilly, Thomas
Rhynas, James M.
Rickard, Moses
Riddell, Robert
Riley, James
Robb, Thomas
Robertson, Alexander
Robertson, Daniel
Robertson, David
Robertson, George
Robertson, Harry
Robertson, Herbert
Robertson, James M.
Robertson, John
Robertson, William
Robertson, William
Rodgers, Daniel
Rocks, Joseph
Rooney, Thomas
Rose, William
Rowland, Samuel
Rutherford, David
Seaton, John
Sharp, Andrew
Sharpe, Robert M.C.
Shaw, John
Sheal, Angus D.
Sheratt, Joseph
Sidley, Colin
Simpson, David
Simpson, John
Simpson, Thomas B.
Sinclair, Robert
Smith, George
Snedden, Daniel
Snedden, Forbes
Snedden, Richard
Snedden, William
Sneddon, Alexander H.
Sneddon, Alexander
Sneddon, Edward A.
Sneddon, James W.
Sneddon, Thomas
Stanley, John
Stanners, Gilbert
Stanners, Neil M.
Stanners, Thomas W.
Stanners, Peter
Stephenson, Alexander
Stephenson, E.
Stevens, Alexander
Stevenson, Robert
Stevenson, Thomas S.
Stevenson, W.F.
Stewart, Edward B.
Stoddart, William
Tait, David
Tait, Fred
Taylor, John D.
Telfer, John
Thomson, Alexander
Thomson, Henry
Thomson, Hugh
Thomson, Peter
Trew, Charles
Valentine, Alexander
Veitch, John
Waldie, Andrew
Walker, Alexander
Walker, James
Wallace, William
Wardlaw, Peter
Wardrope, John
Watson, Andrew
Watt, George R.
Watt, Jack
Watters, Andrew S.
Weir, Anthony
Weir, Peter
Welsh, William
West, Joshua B.
White, Henry
White, John B.
White, Lawrence
White, Thomas
White, William
Whitelaw, Cornelius
Whitelaw, James A.
Williamson, Alex.
Williamson, Andrew
Williamson, James
Wilson, Robert
Wotherspoon, John
Wright, Andrew
Wright, Edward
Yates, William
Young, Thomas
Youngson, William

World War 2 Roll of Honour

Aitken, Daniel
Aiton, Alexander
Barrie, Richard
Beglin, Thomas
Bell, David Bowie
Bell, Robert
Bell, James
Bernard, Hugh
Bernard, James R.
Bernard, J.
Brechin, James Maxwell
Brown, William H.
Brookes, James
Burnett, Davie H.
Cameron, William D.
Cooper, Thomas
Cox, Richard B.
Deas, Alexander
Denholm, James
Duncan, John Williamson
Falconer, Richard G.
Ferguson, James
Fleming, Alexander
Foot, William Easton
Forbes, Robert
Foster, John
Fraser, John Russell
Grant, James
Grant, John
Grant, Joseph
Grant, Thomas S.
Gibson, William
Gray, Andrew R.
Gray, Thomas
Green, William John
Grey, George
Hannah, William
Hastings, William
Henderson, James
Innes, Peter James
Kennedy, Alexander
Law, Charles
Lapsley, Andrew
Lapsley, John
Lapsley, Thomas
Leishman, T.G.
Lind, Robert F.
Livingston, Neil
Malarky, William
Mason, William
Marshall, Gavin
Martin, William Flint
Murray, James Gardner
McBeth, William S.
McGillivray, John
McIntosh, Hugh R.
McKenzie, Matthew D.
McMurray, Robert S.J.
McNeill, Thomas
Newton, Walter
Nimmo, Daniel
Nimmo, Peter
Park, Peter MacL.
Peebles, James B.
Pollock, John F.
Porteous, James C.
Pow, Peter
Rankine, David
Reid, Alexander
Ritchie, James R.
Ritchie, Peter
Robertson, James Alan
Robertson, John
Robertson, William G.
Scotland, Robert
Scotland, Andrew
Scullion, William M.
Shanks, William L.
Simpson, George
Simpson, James
Simpson, Matthew C.
Sinclair, Daniel
Snedden, Gordon S.
Snedden, William
Stanners, James
Steele, Edward
Steele, James
Stewart, Matthew
Thorne, Robert
Troup, Robert
Ure, William
Ure, James W.
Wallace, William
White, John
Wardrop, David

Merchant Navy

Allan, George
Anderson, Henry
Brown, James R.
Clark, James
Gibney, Patrick
Gilfillan, Peter
Grant, John
Grant, William
Gray, John
Harrison, RObert
Heggie, Robert
Kidd, Charles
Miller, Alexander F.
McKendrick, William
Paterson, John
Paterson, Ralph
Picken, Richmond
Robertson, George D.
Sharp, Alexander C.
Stewart, John
Thomson, James
Wright, Robert

Bo'ness is just a 40 minute drive from Glasgow, Paisley and Edinburgh.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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