Tour Haunted Barnbougle Castle Scotland

Tour Haunted Barnbougle Castle on a visit near Edinburgh, Scotland. According to tradition, Sir Roger Mowbray went as a crusader to the Holy Land, and was killed in battle against the Moslems. His faithful hound, still at home in Barnbougle, at that moment began to howl uncontrollably. Finally it died through grief for its master. It is said that its howls can still be heard at Hound Point, half a mile west of the castle, when the night is dark and windy. In another version of the tradition, it is said that when the death of any of the lords is about to take place, a black man with a dog appears on the point, and sounds on a bugle the baron's death-note. A ballad says:

And ever when Barnbougle's lords
Are parting this scene below
Come hound and ghost to this haunted coast
With death notes winding slow.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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