Old Photograph Castle of Old Wick Scotland

Old photograph of Castle of Old Wick in Caithness, Scotland. This Scottish castle was built in the 12th century when the Norwegian earldom of Orkney included Caithness, and was united under Harald Maddadsson. The castle is thought to have been his stronghold on the mainland of Britain. There is evidence that the site was occupied before the present castle was built. During the 14th century it was owned by Sir Reginald de Cheyne who was a supporter of King Edward I during his attempt to establish John Balliol as King of Scotland, although there is no evidence of a battle having taken place there. It was abandoned in the 18th century. The castle was built to the same plan as Brough Castle, which is about 20 miles to the north west, on the Pentland Firth coast of Caithness.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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