Tour Scotland Video The Other Side Of Sorrow

Tour Scotland video The Other Side Of Sorrow by Alasdair Fraser. Alasdair Fraser was born on the 14th of May 1955 in Clackmannan, Scotland. He is a famous Scottish fiddler. The words are by Sorley Maclean, a great Scottish poet.

The Cuillin

Who is this, who is this on a bad night,
who is this walking on the moorland ?
The steps of a spirit by my side
and the soft steps of my love:

footsteps, footsteps on the mountains,
murmur of footsteps rising,
quiet footsteps, gentle footsteps,
stealthy mild restrained footsteps.

Who is this, who is this on a night of woe,
who is this walking on the summit?
The ghost of a bare naked brain
cold in the chill of vicissitude.

Who is this, who is this in the night of the spirit ?
It is only the naked ghost of a heart,
a spectre going alone in thought,
a skeleton naked of flesh on the mountain.

Who is this, who is this in the night of the heart?
It is the thing that is not reached,
the ghost seen by the soul,
A Cuillin rising over the sea.

Who is this, who is this in the night of the soul,
following the veering of the fugitive light?
It is only, it is only the journeying one
seeking the Cuillin over the ocean.

Who is this, who is this in the night of mankind ?
It is only the ghost of the spirit,
a soul alone going on mountains,
longing for the Cuillin that is rising.

Beyond the lochsof the blood of the children of men,
beyond the frailty of the plain and the labour of the mountain,
beyond poverty, consumption, fever, agony,
beyond hardship, wrong, tyranny, distress,
beyond misery, despair, hatred, treachery,
beyond guilt and defilement; watchful,
heroic, the Cuillin is seen
rising on the other side of sorrow.

Sorley Maclean.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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