Tour Scotland February Photographs St Athernase Church Leuchars Fife

Tour Scotland photograph of St Athernase Church in Leuchars near St Andrews, Fife, Scotland. The chancel and half-round apse date from the 12th century with the exterior featuring blind arcades with typical Norman arches. The church, dedicated to the little known St Athernase, was granted by Ness, Lord of Lochore, to the canons of St Andrews in 1185. Around 1700 a belfry was added, and in 1858 restoration was carried out to the nave.

Tour Scotland photograph of St Athernase Church in Leuchars near St Andrews, Fife, Scotland.

Tour Scotland photograph of St Athernase Church in Leuchars near St Andrews, Fife, Scotland.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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