Tour Scotland Autumn Video Greyfriars Graveyard Perth Perthshire

Tour Scotland Autumn video of Greyfriars Graveyard in Perth, Perthshire, Scotland.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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Tour Scotland Video Hot Air Balloon Flight Perth Perthshire October 5th

Tour Scotland Autumn video shot today of a Virgin Hot Air Balloon flight in Perth, Perthshire, Scotland. a Virgin Hot Air Balloon taking off on a flight from North Inch Park on a cloudy Autumn evening in Perth, Perthshire.

Tour Scotland Autumn photograph shot today of a Virgin Hot Air Balloon flight in Perth, Perthshire, Scotland.

Tour Scotland Autumn photograph shot today of a Virgin Hot Air Balloon in Perth, Perthshire, Scotland.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

View the most recent Tour Scotland photographs.

Tour Scotland Video Fighter Jets Leuchars Fife

Tour Scotland travel video of two Fighter Jets taking off at RAF Leuchars near St Andrews, Fife, Scotland.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

View the most recent Tour Scotland photographs.

Tour Scotland Video View From Top St Rule's Tower Cathedral St Andrew Fife

Tour Scotland video of the view from the top of St Rule's Tower in St Andrews, Fife, Scotland. St Rule's tower is located in the Cathedral grounds but predates it, having served as the church of the priory up to the early 12th century. The building was retained to allow worship to continue uninterrupted during the building of its much larger successor. Originally, the tower and adjoining choir were part of the church built in the 11th century to house the relics of St Andrew. Today the tower commands an admirable view of the town, harbour, sea, and surrounding countryside.

Tour Scotland photograph of St Rule's Tower in St Andrews, Fife, Scotland.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

View the most recent Tour Scotland photographs.

Tour Scotland Photographs Scottish Rainbow St Andrews Fife October 4th

Tour Scotland photograph shot today of a Scottish rainbow near St Andrews, Fife, Scotland. Shot these photographs and video on the road from Guardbridge to St Andrews

Tour Scotland photograph shot today of a Scottish rainbow near St Andrews, Fife, Scotland.

Tour Scotland video shot today of a Scottish rainbow near St Andrews, Fife, Scotland.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

View the most recent Tour Scotland photographs.

Tour Scotland. Tour Aberdeen, Tour Dundee, Tour Edinburgh, Tour Glasgow, Tour Isle of Skye. Tour Glencoe, Tour Loch Lomond. Tour Loch Ness.
Tour St Andrews.