Tour Scotland Photograph David Swankie Gravestone St Vigeans Arbroath

Tour Scotland photograph of the David Swankie gravestone in the churchyard cemetery in St Vigeans, Arbroath, Scotland. In memory of David Swankie, seaman, Arbroath, who died on November 21st, 1813. Many 17th to 19th century gravestones surround the church, several of which are falling over due to the steep slope.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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Tour Scotland Photograph Little Children's Gravestone St Vigeans Arbroath

Tour Scotland photograph of a Little Children's gravestone in the Churchyard cemetery in St Vigeans, Arbroath, Scotland.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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Tour Scotland Photograph Celtic Cross St Vigeans

Tour Scotland photograph of a Celtic Cross in St Vigeans Churchyard cemetery by Arbroath, Scotland. The Celtic Cross is a symbol of eternity that emphasizes the endlessness of God’s love as shown through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Crosses were carved from the standing stones of the Druids and were originally phallic symbols, just carved into crosses to disguise their original purpose. There is a legend of how St. Patrick when preaching to some soon-to-be converted heathens was shown a sacred standing stone that was marked with a circle that was symbolic of the moon goddess. Patrick made the mark of a Latin cross through the circle and blessed the stone making the first Celtic Cross.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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Photograph Boat Carving Gravestone St Vigeans Scotland

Photograph of a gravestone with a boat carving in St Vigeans Churchyard, Arbroath, Scotland.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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Tour Scotland Photographs St Vigeans Church Arbroath

Tour Scotland photograph of St Vigeans Church, Arbroath, Scotland. The church of St Vigeans served as parish church to the inhabitants of Arbroath up to the Reformation. Built of the local red sandstone, it was a large and impressive example of a Scottish medieval parish kirk. Its situation on top of a prominent, mound is striking. Dating in part from the 12th century, but largely 15th century in date, the church unfortunately underwent a drastic 'restoration' in the late 19th century which, while it uncovered many Pictish fragments, also replaced most of the original architectural features of the church. It retains its internal round-pillared arcades, but all the doors and windows were renewed, so their original appearance has been lost. The western tower was also heightened and 'improved' by adding a castellated top and cap-house. The 18th century headstones in the kirkyard, some of which are notably well-carved, are interesting examples of folk-art, characteristic of Angus. There was once a legend that the kirk was built with stones used by an enslaved Kelpie, and for several years the local congregation would not enter the kirk during certain services for fear the building would collapse due to the Kelpie's curse.

Photograph of St Vigeans Church, Arbroath, Scotland.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

View the most recent Tour Scotland photographs.