Tour Scotland short 4K Spring Friday wildlife nature camera travel video clip of the sight and sounds of a male Blackbird spotted eating on a morning visit and trip to my Scottish cottage garden in Scone by Perth, Perthshire, Britain, United Kingdom. The flowers in the background are polyanthus. The male blackbird is all black except for a yellow eye ring and bill . This widespread bird is a common visitor to United Kingdom gardens, and has adapted well to suburban areas, it’s often possible to get quite close. It can also be found in woodland and grassland areas, but you’re much less likely to see it on areas of higher ground and in some parts of Scotland, Common and widespread across Britain, the blackbird population is currently stable, although it has seen periods of decline in the past. One of the biggest threats is lack of food availability, particularly when the weather is dry. Leaving mealworms and ground feeder mix out on bird tables and planting bushes that attract caterpillars to your garden are great ways to help blackbirds. If you were to believe various myths and folktales, you’d find this solitary, territorial bird to be imbued with evil and supernatural powers. Welsh poet R. S. Thomas observed that there was “ a suggestion of dark Places ” about the blackbird that was at odds with its beautiful song. In the story of the life of Saint Benedict, the Devil was said to have come to tempt the saint in the form of a blackbird. The English nursery rhyme “ Sing a Song of Sixpence ” involves blackbirds “ baked in a pie ” which reanimate and sing when the pie is opened. Being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings. The date for astronomical spring is Sunday 20th March, ending on Tuesday 21st June, while by the meteorological calendar, spring will start on Tuesday 1st March. @tourscotland #nature #spring #scotland #nature #shortsvideo
All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.
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