Barn Owl On Visit To Woodland In Eastern Highlands Of Scotland

Tour Scotland short 4K wildlife camera travel video clip of a Barn Owl on visit to the Eastern Scottish Highlands, Britain, United Kingdom. The barn owl is one of the most common owls found worldwide but here in the United Kingdom their numbers are dropping fast. They can be seen in Heaths, woods, fields and hedgerows. Although traditionally considered a nocturnal bird, British Barn Owls can often be seen hunting at dusk and dawn. They will even hunt during the day. The beautiful barn owl is, perhaps, our most-loved owl. With its distinctive heart-shaped face, pure white feathers, and ghostly silent flight, it's easy to identify. Look out for it flying low over fields and hedgerows at dawn and dusk. Find things to see and do in Scotland where you are always welcome. All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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