Saint Columba Cave With Music On History Visit To The Coast Of Ardnamurchan Scotland

Tour Scotland 4K travel video, with Scottish music, of the Saint Columba Cave on ancestry, genealogy, family history visit to the coast of Ardnamurchan in the Highlands of Lochaber, Britain, United Kingdom. Saint Columba, on one of his many voyages among the Hebrides, came ashore on this rocky coast, and the mariners were alarmed for their own safety. They unexpectedly discovered a light at no great distance, and to that they directed their course. Saint Columba and his followers had great difficulty in climbing up to the cave, elevated considerably above sea. They at length got sight of the fire in the cave which had first attracted their attention. Several men sat around it, and their fierce appearance was not much calculated to please the holy man. The Saint gave them his benediction; and he was invited to sit down among them and to share their hurried repast, with which he gladly complied. The men were freebooters, who lived by plunder and robbery, and this Columba soon discovered. He advised them to forsake that course, and to be converted to his doctrines, to which they all assented, and in the morning they accompanied the Saint on his voyage homeward. This circumstance created a high veneration for the cave among the disciples and successors of Columba, and that veneration still continues. In one side of the cave it there was a pool in a cleft of the rock, where lay the water with which the freebooters had been baptized. The pool is supplied with water by drops from the roof of the cave. It is alleged never to be empty or to overflow, and many healing qualities are ascribed to it. To obtain the benefit of it, however, those followers of the Saint must undergo a very severe ordeal. They must be in the cave before daylight; they stand on the spot where the Saint first landed his boat, and nine waves must dash over their heads; they must afterwards pass through nine openings in the walls of the cave; and, lastly, they must swallow nine mouthfuls out of the holy pool. After invoking the aid of the Saint, the followers within three weeks are either relieved by death or by recovery. Offerings are left in a certain place appropriated for that purpose; and these are sometimes of considerable value, nor are they ever to be removed. Saint Columba, born 7 December 521, died 9 June 597, was an Irish abbot and missionary credited with spreading Christianity in what is today Scotland at the start of the Hiberno Scottish mission. He founded the important abbey on the Island Of Iona, which became a dominant religious and political institution in the region for centuries. He is the Patron Saint of Derry. He was highly regarded by both the Gaels of Dál Riata and the Picts, and is remembered today as a Christian saint and one of the Twelve Apostles of Ireland. Of interest to folks with ancestry, genealogy or Scottish Family Roots in Scotland who may wish to visit one day. Find things to see and do in Scotland where you are always welcome. The date for astronomical Summer in Scotland is Tuesday, 21 June, ending on Friday, 23 September All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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