Highland Clearances Cottages With Music On History Visit To Ockle On Coast Of Ardnamurchan Scotland

Tour Scotland short 4K travel video clip, with Scottish music, of derelict Highland clearances cottages at the small crofting hamlet of Ockle on ancestry, genealogy, family history visit to the coast of Ardnamurchan in the Highlands of Lochaber, Britain, United Kingdom. The Highland Clearances, Scottish Gaelic: Fuadaichean nan Gàidheal , meaning the eviction of the Gaels were the evictions of a significant number of tenants in the Scottish Highlands and Islands, mostly in two phases from 1750 to 1860. The second phase involved overcrowded crofting communities from the first phase that had lost the means to support themselves, through famine and/or collapse of industries that they had relied on. This is when "assisted passages" were common, when landowners paid the fares for their tenants to emigrate. Tenants who were selected for this had, in practical terms, little choice but to emigrate. The Highland Potato Famine struck towards the end of this period, giving greater urgency to the process. The eviction of tenants went against dùthchas, the principle that clan members had an inalienable right to rent land in the clan territory. This was never recognised in Scottish law. It was gradually abandoned by clan chiefs as they began to think of themselves simply as commercial landlords, rather than as patriarchs of their people, a process that arguably started with the Statutes of Iona of 1609. The clan members continued to rely on dùthchas. This difference in viewpoints was an inevitable source of grievance. The actions of landlords varied. Some did try to delay or limit evictions, often to their financial cost. Of interest to folks with ancestry, genealogy or Scottish Family Roots in Scotland who may wish to visit one day. Find things to see and do in Scotland where you are always welcome. The date for astronomical Summer in Scotland is Tuesday, 21 June, ending on Friday, 23 September All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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