Robert Foulis Weaver Gravestone On History Visit To Cathedral Ruins St Andrews Fife Scotland

Tour Scotland 4K short Spring travel video clip, with Scottish music, of the Robert Foulis, Weaver, gravestone in the Cathedral ruins graveyard on ancestry, genealogy, family history visit to St Andrews, Fife. The Foulis surname is of Scottish origin. William de Foulis was Vicar of Kirktown, Stirling in 1300 and Sir Alan Foulis was Canon of St.Andrews in Fife in 1305. In 1530 Sir James Foulis is recorded as being Private Secretary to King James V and another Sir James Foulis being the first Lord Colinton in 1672. George Foulis arrived in Adelaide, Australia aboard the ship "John" in 1840; Elizabeth Foulis arrived in Adelaide, Australia aboard the ship "John" in 1840; Harriet Logie Foulis arrived in Adelaide, Australia aboard the ship "John" in 1840; Robert Foulis settled in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1819; Thomas Foulis settled in Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1839; George and Barbara McKay Foulis settled in Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1852; James Foulis settled in Boston, America, in 1684. The date for astronomical spring is Sunday 20th March 2022, ending on Tuesday 21st June, while by the meteorological calendar, spring will start on Tuesday 1st March. Of interest to folks with ancestry, genealogy or Scottish Family Roots in Scotland who may wish to visit one day All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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