Lion Sundial With Music On History Visit To Glamis Castle In Angus Scotland

Tour Scotland 4K short travel video clip , with Scottish music, of the Lion sundial on ancestry, genealogy, family history visit to the grounds of Glamis Castle in Angus Region. The lion dial consists of four vertical dial faces carved in stone; one for each cardinal point of the compass. Each of these faces is supported by a carved lion sitting on a tree stump. It is one of the largest sundials in Scotland. Scottish sundials of the renaissance period are not just more numerous than in any other country, they are also stylistically unique. This is particularly notable when the size and wealth of Scotland at the time are taken into account. They are free standing stone sculptures of the 17th and 18th centuries with many small dials inscribed on them. Accurate time telling is clearly not the aim. Precision is sacrificed for decorative effective. Unlike the sundials of similar date on the continent where baroque decoration may be added, the mathematical complexity of the Scottish dials is decoration enough. Facet head dials includes a wide variety of types ranging from a simple cube to complex polyhedrals. The most dramatic of these is at Glamis Castle. Of interest to folks with ancestry, genealogy or Scottish Family Roots in Scotland who may wish to visit one day. All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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