Baby Beaver On Visit To A River In The Highlands Of Scotland

Tour Scotland 4K short travel video clip, with Scottish fiddle music, of a baby Beaver on visit to a river in the Scottish Highlands. Beavers live mainly in freshwater lochs, and slow moving rivers and streams. They are perfectly adapted for spending most of their time in the water, with warm, waterproof coats and webbed back feet and large, flat tails for swimming. Beavers feel safe when they’re surrounded by water. If there are no natural ponds where they can live and feed, they build dams in rivers and lochs to create them. Water plants flourish in the still waters, providing the beavers with a regular food source, and a dam is a safe place to build a lodge for shelter and to rear their kits. Beavers are completely vegetarian, eating aquatic plants, grasses and shrubs during the summer months and woody plants and bark in winter. The Eurasian beaver, Castor fiber, or European beaver is a beaver species that was once widespread in Eurasia, but was hunted to near extinction All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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