Winter Easter Cemetery On History Visit To St Andrews Fife Scotland

Tour Scotland 4K Winter travel video, with Scottish music, of the Eastern Cemetery on ancestry, genealogy, family history to visit St Andrews, Fife. The first burials took place in 1823. Notable interments include Colonel Robert Hope Moncrieff Aitken, born 1826, died 1887, who was awarded the Victoria Cross for service in India; naturalist and aviation pioneer Professor. James Bell Pettigrew, born 1834, died 1908; the architect Reginald Fairlie, born 1883, died 1952, together with his father James Ogilvy Reginald Fairlie, born 1848, died 1916, who was appointed a Chamberlain to Pope Benedict XV; and the artist Wilhelmina Barns Graham, born 1912, died 2004. The cemetery contains a small number of Commonwealth War Graves. Officially, the Scottish winter runs from the 21st of December through to the 20th March. All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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