Mountains On History Visit To Isle of Mull Off The West Coast Of Scotland

Tour Scotland short travel video clip, with Scottish music, of mountains and hills on visit to Isle of Mull, Scottish Gaelic: An t-Eilean Muileach, located off the Scottish West Coast. The island has a mountainous core; the highest peak on the island is Ben More. In 1773 the island was visited by Samuel Johnson and James Boswell during their tour of the Western Islands. Farming, fishing, and burning seaweed for kelp ash, used in the manufacture of soap and glass, were the main economic activities on the island until the 19th century. The Highland Clearances in the 18th and 19th centuries resulted in people being evicted to make space for sheep and the Highland Potato Famine, 1846 to 1847, encouraged mass emigration to Australia, Canada and America. These factors caused the population to decline from 10,000 to less than 4,000 and then to 3,000 by the 20th Century; this had a serious impact on the economy. All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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