Lost Valley On History Visit To Glencoe In The Highlands Of Scotland

Tour Scotland Summer short travel video clip, with Scottish music, of the lost valley on ancestry, genealogy, history visit to Glencoe in the Highlands. Coire Gabhail, Corrie of the Bounty, or The Hollow of Capture is a high level glen in the Bidean nam Bian mountain massif to the south of Glen Coe. Its narrow entrance 750 feet up the hillside conceals the width of the glen beyond, and it is commonly known as the Hidden Valley or Lost Valley of Glencoe. Access from a bridge crossing the River Coe is by a steep path up beside a narrow wooded ravine. The name refers to former times when the corrie was used by members of Clan Macdonald to hide cattle and other livestock, whether their own or stolen from others. Like other clans in the area, cattle were the mainstay of their economy, both herding and raiding: young men boastfully sang of getting cows from all over the country. The wide flat glen is well suited for this purpose since from Glen Coe it appears to be a normal v-shaped glen approached only by a steep narrow gorge. The Macdonalds commonly had feuds with Clan Campbell. This culminated tragically in the 1692 massacre of Glencoe when Campbell soldiers turned on Macdonald clans folk who fled in a winter blizzard, and a number made their way up to Coire Gabhail while their houses were burned. Those that survived the night then left Glen Coe, fearing the return of the soldiers. All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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