Summer Drive Through Kinross To Visit The Town Hall In Milnathort Perthshire Scotland

Tour Scotland travel video of a Summer road trip drive North on the B996 road, with Scottish music to and through Gairney Bank and Kinross, to the town hall on visit to Milnathort, Perthshire. Situated on the A91, the main Stirling to St. Andrews road, Milnathort is an attractively maintained small town with a long history. It was developed as a market town and as a community of wool and linen weavers; flax was widely grown in the County until the 1st World War, and in 1880 there were 129 weavers in the Parish of Orwell which includes Milnathort. The town hall whose tower dominates the centre of the village was built in 1855.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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