Summer Ben Ledi Mountain On Visit To The Trossachs Scotland

Tour Scotland Summer travel video, with Scottish music, of Ben Ledi mountain on visit to the Trosssachs. It is located 4 miles North West of Callander, near the village of Kilmahog. It is situated in the Trossachs, an area often regarded as having some of the most romantic scenery in the Highlands. Ben Ledi is particularly well known through Sir Walter Scott's poem Lady of the Lake. Supposedly in ancient times, Beltane rites were observed on the summit. There are what is thought to be possible references to these Beltane rights in some of the Gaelic names on the mountain: Creag Ghorn meaning Rock of Embers and Creag Loisgte meaning Burned Rock. A cairn was built on the top in 1887 to commemorate Queen Victoria's jubilee.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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