Wading Practice Firefighters River Tay On Visit To Perth Perthshire Scotland

Tour Scotland 4K Summer travel video of firefighters taking part in a small group wading practice in the River Tay on visit to Perth, Perthshire. Firefighters do extensive and regular swift water rescue training to ensure their safety. The swift water rescue training simulates the conditions they could face in flood waters and rivers and involves negotiating swift and rising flood water and includes wading in shallow, fast moving water. Regular training exercises allow the team of firefighters to practice these specialist skills. The North of Scotland Scottish Fire and Rescue Service is home to some of the UK's most remote areas, as well as the bustling cities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Inverness and Perth. Crews in the North work hard to protect the 1.2 million people living in the area, working from 164 fire stations spread from Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles in the north to Perth and Kinross in the south.

All photographs are copyright of Sandy Stevenson, Tour Scotland, and may not be used without permission.

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